
Is it just me that thinks Talbot is probably an LMD?

Yep, exactly. Also his was the only plotline that really addressed the major issue of how 'real' these avatars are, just as in the Turing test the true test of life isn't the intelligence of the AI but in our response to it - do we accept it as a real life, even when we know it's digital?

Yep, why bother building a bog-standard human body when you could build an inhuman one? Plus it would make her war on Inhumans superbly ironic.

Oh, as a Dad the Hope plotline was certainly predictable, but also heartbreaking. Imagine Mack emerging from the Framework and knowing his little girl, avatar or no, was waiting for him inside wondering where daddy went. Ugh, no. I'm glad he stayed, and I hope he doesn't come back without her.


Hmm, here's my theory. The Heisenberg machine is pretty obviously some sort of device that allows for crossing between realities / timelines. I think it is also nuclear powered, needing the uranium mines.