Philip Stephen Whitehouse

Criminally, I've yet to see any Veep at all. It's definitely on my to-do list, though.

There was a black guy in the audience at the alt-right rally, which seemed… unlikely.

Battle Beyond The Stars is more of a remake of the Magnificent Seven in a sci-fi setting - and The Magnificent Seven is more of a remake of Seven Samurai in a Western Setting. And Star Wars itself is heavily influenced by The Hidden Fortress, directed by Akira Kurosawa, who directed Seven Samurai. The lines between

That all makes a lot of sense. The actual cinematography and choreography of the action scenes throughout is stunning, but the whole thing is so jarringly nuts that you can only really watch it in a state of amused bewilderment.

Sweet vindication!

I just found out that the audiobook of the novelisation is read by Powers Boothe. I need that in my life.

I recommend Sudden Death to people on a regular basis, but not as an action movie - I contend that it is actually an incredibly on-point satire of action movies, and that nobody but the original writer was in on the joke. I've seen it maybe six or seven times, and I laugh harder and harder every time.

He's been openly dismissive of Judy Garland.

It's both more and less involved, in a weird kind of way.

I legitimately loved this show - never missed an episode. Considering I was ten when it was created (not sure exactly how long it took to make its way to the UK, but still, I'd have been pretty young), I wonder how many of the subtler pop-culture gags I missed. I clocked the Elvis catchphrase and the visual reference

Never understood the lack of bosses and invisible demons on the Jaguar - otherwise, it's a solid port.

In which case I apologise for my defensiveness and am glad we're on the same page.

Plot armour. Wonderful stuff.

I'll quote my own "Not making a judgment whether that's a good or bad thing". Just sayin', it's theoretically possible that some people went from Jeff Dunham, to, say, Nina Conti, and perhaps beyond.

In as much as I have absolutely no mental health care credentials whatsoever, and am just a sort of interested observer in this whole thing - I think so too.

While I get that you may consider that statement an exaggeration of West's achievements, and believe you are fully entitled to that opinion, I am curious as to what approach you think this website should take that would help. A series of articles about "Why Kanye West Isn't All That Great, Seriously, Get Over Yourself

Imma save Angry Picard some time here.

You heard him! Shut those popular and lucrative avenues of expression down! Yes, every one of them - now, damnit!

Utterly fantastic death scene. Prolonged to juuuuuuusssssssst before the point of ludicrousness.