"...So as you come through
"...So as you come through
Strange, when I drop the word "ever" Siri says "You're kidding, Right?"
I just did this 30 seconds ago with my 4S and it said the Nokia. I recorded it with my thunderbolt if you want me to post it. :)
I agree. I also despise when financial institutions don't allow you to use special characters or spaces in a password.
Keyboard patterns shouldn't be used for secure PINs or passwords.
I guess it stands to reason that if so many people use "password" or "12345" as their password that a roughly equal amount of people would use "1111" or "1234" as their PIN.
So you've chosen to carry a purse with you in order to wear skinny jeans. I would rather not do this, but I can't fault you for it. I must be losing my fashion sense in my old age.
I see your point, now here's my counterpoint.
well I guess i can stop writing my powershell script now.
lemonparty? aw, nasty!
I was all prepared to say this is an awesome workaround but for some reason the files transfer at ~36kbs this way. The same files transfer about 10x faster on the website.
The major gotcha with this application is that you are forced to upgrade to a business account ($15/mo) if you want the ability to sync to your mac/pc.
Apparently you have to pay $15/mo if you want to be able to sync to your desktop though?
I just downloaded it on my android phone and created an account. It says I have 2GB of space. What gives?
I hear a teaspoon of cinnamon a day keeps the doctor away.
My breakfast every day consists of an iced mocha. I wonder if that counts? Probably not seeing as how I keep getting fatter.
This seems like it could make for a pretty cool DIY project.
People still use bar soap? I wonder if this guy will create a solution to allow those same people to combine their aerosol deodorants.
Pidgin makes me miss Adium.