Hello. Just popping in to say that I think Jo Koy is generally not very funny.
Hello. Just popping in to say that I think Jo Koy is generally not very funny.
Super glad you were able to catch up with Leonor Will Never Die, Katie! Martika Escobar is a really special talent, and I’ve been anticipating her feature debut ever since I saw her university thesis film. Really hoping the award gives her the push and the access to make more things.
I hope you guys have the time to check out the Filipino entry Leonor Will Never Die. I saw a rough cut of it, and it’s a lot of fun.
I can at least say that there is a ballroom dance sequence that feels like a full on homage to the Disney version.
If you like Squid Game, you might enjoy Takashi Miike’s adaptation of the manga As the Gods Will, which also happens to feature people playing children’s games that have deadly consequences for losing. Also, the anime/movie Kaiji, which is also about a gambler who gets drawn into an underground competition of sorts,…
Night of the Comet rules, and ought to be talked about more.
I always wonder how people can come to this conclusion when the declarations of secession of several states outright mention slavery as the cause that they’re fighting for. Like, here’s Georgia’s:
It’s kind of thematic to the show. ‘The Raft of the Medusa” caused a minor scandal when it was first shown, partly because it was commemorating an ugly event that the French aristocracy would rather forget, and partly because it had a black man as its central focus. While everybody could acknowledge that it was a…
Then it becomes a pathology: in order to keep his marriage going, he has to keep getting into situations where he gets to show off his value as a family-protector or world-saver.
Yeah. In general, I really hate the trope where the action hero ‘everyman’ repairs his rocky relationship with his wife/girlfriend by doing action hero things, apparently making up for his failings as a partner by punching people/jumping over fire/crashing through a wall or whatever other manly thing they can think…
Really happy that you guys are recommending this. There aren’t really any great Filipino-American films. I think they all suffer from feeling oddly insular, with little awareness of issues that go beyond the community. Lingua Franca tells a story that’s very specific, but places it within a much larger context.
Yeah it’s pretty absurd. I think people were made to believe that there was already a complete cut of the movie that worked., minus perhaps, some VFX. Snyder certainly implied as much, tweeting out a photo of some cans labeled ‘JL Directors Cut.’
I just wanted this new adaptation to be horny. Is it horny?
Missing in the Wikipedia article is context of what these karaoke bars are like. It’s likely that these bars weren’t really karaoke bars at all, but hostess clubs that just happen to feature karaoke. I mean, people are singing, of course, but the main action is men paying girls to sit at your table to chat and drink…
Take Me Home, Country Roads has been a standard in Japan, pretty much ever since Studio Ghibli’s Whisper of the Heart, which prominently features a translation of it penned by Miyazaki.
IDW has been publishing GLOW comics. They’re all right!
Aw man. I didn’t really have high hopes for this after seeing the trailer a while back, and this review pretty much confirms the fears I had for it.
It’s only a twist if you don’t live in the Philippines. Here, it is common knowledge that singing “My Way” could led to you being shot.
I’m all for this, but I imagine producers would be a little hesitant, given that this would definitely be an avenue for piracy. You’re right that festival attendance tends not to cannibalize movie profits, but it could be a different if the film was made available illegally months before it makes its way to legal…