Yeah, we get that... But there’s a corporate relationship between Renault and Infinit or between Ferrari and Alfa. Il makes sense.
Not sure about the 208, but small Peugeot, on their civilian GTI trim, usually love to oversteer on lift off. The original 205 GTI was borderline sketchy in that regard. It was a joy to drive on a mountain road, without a hint of understeer, but, yeah, you didn’t want to slow down on a curve...
I had one, for a year ! 4 speeds, 45 hp. What a cheap piece of shit ! Even the glove box door was an option.
But so many good memories in that car. I toured Ireland for a month with it. When I got back to France, the suspension and my back were shot...
Weirdest shifter ever ?
What’s missing from your post is that there are 3 people in custody for those rape charges : Chris Brown, his bodyguard and “ a friend”. That would be a group rape (“en réunion”) which carries a possible 20 years sentence.
IMO the Panda is a poor proposition as far as euro econoboxes are concerned. A 2CV, a Renault 4, a Mini, a Beetle, a 500... They all have their issues but are all brilliant in their own way. The Panda is just a bad car, actually. The handling is poor, the suspension sucks, the space is tight... It’s reliable, so…
That’s cute.
Argumentative ? Now, that was funny.
Constantinople has more motorized vehicles than competent operators of motorized vehicles. Much more.
Government subsidized, sure. But corrupt ? How come ?
Post WWII, my grand father, who had spent 5 years in an offlag, sold the trusty cream Citroën Traction 11 my grand mother had kept trough the war, over a trivial mechanical issue. See, he was confident than, thanks to the Marshall plan, France would get flooded with cheap american cars. The poor man ended up in a…
Good thing that the Alpine is built by Renault, then.
I’m 6'6'’. I fit in a lot of cars. tThat was not true 20 years ago, but, now, most cars are fine. The real question is “do you need to save some space behind your seat ?” I’m perfectly comfortable on a BMW 3 serie or a WV Golf, for instance, but no one but a yound child can seat behind me.