
My parents had 3 of these. I learned to drive in a 16 TX.

Fuck no. In normal day to day driving, operating the clutch and the gear box of a stick shift car does not require any special attention whatsoever, if you know what you’re doing. I’ve driven manual all my life and the only difference, as far as I’m concerned, is that operating the clutch is getting tiresome in stop

Actually Macron’s suits come from Jonas, rue d’Aboukir, and cost hundreds, not thousands, of Euros... Very good value for money, Jonas...

Fun to drive ? Honestly, not so much... It’s rear engined, but tamed by the ESP and very conservative chassis settings. Do not expect to swing the tail like a Gordini... It’s still very unstable in a crosswind, though. So there’s that.

I remember the late 80's early 90's, where a spurt of deaths of dutch and belgian riders, from cardiac issues, but also nordic skiers from Sweden or Norway, has been attributed to EPO use. Enough deaths for the dutch federation to launch an investigation. Unconclusive, indeed.

Yes, yes, it was. Not the Armstrongs and Pantanis and Virenques. But in lesser categories, people died. In the early days of EPO use, riders were afraid of falling asleep and not waking up in the morning.

The voice in this video has a strange but welcome soothing quality.

I’ve been in Lichtenstein and the Seychelles ! What did I win ?!

How many car drivers killed by cyclists ?

Fucking cyclists.

Hmm, okay. Let’s compare the death toll, shall we ? How many people killed by cyclist vs people killed by car drivers ?

That’s the part that bothered you ? Telling. You must have missed all the cars double parked (in the bike lane, the U turn and the SUV running a red light.


I’ve seen the headline after reading a couple of pieces from Harriot and Damon Young. The cognitive dissonance was so strong I needed a moment to realize those women were not talking about them.

It was the future. The AppStore, with porn, in the 80's.

This is so fucked up. And such a sure way to destroy everybody’s morale.

What is this ? Consummer report ?

Counterpoint : The Bagheera is pure 70's sex. Look at that fully carpeted interior. I saw them both in the flesh, trust me : You want the real deal, not the botoxed one.

I don’t want to be that guy, but, actually, there’s a touch of double entendre. Une grande voiture also means a large car (a big car would indeed rather translates as “une grosse voiture”). The Dyna Z was a much larger car than the Dyna X (aka the Louis XV), supposed to be a spacious family sized sedan and marketed

Nice car. How much did you pay for it ?