Philip Marks

Good catch. We did have mail robot after all. I mean, that's gotta at least equal "Henry's asleep" for an appearance.

I sort of agree but let's be clear at the series finale it's possible no one will be left standing. It is not a happy endings show.

Who would be better insulated from the reality though? OK as a KGB officer I would expect him to have picked up a bit more reality…


He didn't know William was caught. He knew there was a big operation that went bust in DC, the Rezident was PNGd. He did't know the name or what William did in any detail (actually true). He knew it was in DC, it wouldn't have been kept a tight secret in the Rezidentura once the bust went down. They TOLD the Rezident

By the way, I think Mail Robot appeared twice.

Paige is a stoic. She suffers but she will soldier on. She has set her course, her loyalty no matter the pain is with her folks. She is deeply Russian in character.

Well my comments on this part have been intended to have a bit of humor but you are quite correct and I've had my eye on Henry for a while just because THIS show doesn't do the expected. The Characters disappear for a while and pop up just when you don't expect them, like Martha and Mischa. And yes they have not told

Yes that sums it up except the thing about breaking in to the neighbors house, remember how he reacted? "I'm really not a bad person!! I swear it!!" He made amends. He was just a little kid.

Seriously, Henry is the little boy who when his family was threatened picked up a beer bottle and koshed a much older guy over the head. That's how he's going to react. He may be left out but he's a part of this family and he'll fight for them.

WIth Tuan.

Lizabeth was thinking about it!

OK so we see all the families, our key characters, Mischa; and Mikhail's brother; Philip Elizabeth and P&H, Oleg and his parents, even Pasha's family are all drawing together. Even Stan's got a girl. Maybe Henry does too…

Of course there is! Just as they didn't show ten episodes of Pasha to have him go back to the USSR in ten seconds; there is much more to this as a plotline. I felt Sophia was a plant to begin with. They've been out trolling the waters for months, and a lot of the people they approached reported it and the KGB figured

I agree. Someone is going to die and I am betting on Elizabeth. And maybe Philip too but for sure Eliz.

No someone is going to die and I am betting on Elizabeth.

OMG! (Fan grabs Pasha's knife to slit his own wrists…)

No but they are guessing about Oleg. And he knows they have no evidence because they have not arrested him.

Well come to think of it, Paige has nothing to keep her in Virginia now. No religion, no Tim, no Matthew…no parents.

Be real here. After the choice to have children in the first place (which they made much younger and didn't really think through well, because you really have to be a parent to understand this in a non-theoretical way) it's the most serious single thing they have had to decide for their family in twenty years.