Philip Lesterson

Excuse me, but my comments are equally stupid no matter which site they're posted at.

As long as they don't have the anchor of the worst President in seventy years weighing them down :)

Once the Democrats are kicked out of the Senate in November, I wonder which direction Congress' popularity will go?

At last, something that the hysterical clowns called racist is actually racist. What do I win?

Or when "liberals" make racist comments about black conservatives and Republicans:)

Hey everyone, remember Plant Turk?

Only if such tax increases were tied to accountability from public servants, so that such services actually benefited the public, instead of existing solely to launder money to the Democratic party.

Oh yeah? Did he idiotically decide to unionize school teachers so that terrible ones can't be fired?

The "wealthy" already pay the vast majority of taxes, but sure, keep going after them and watch them move their wealth. That'll teach them to succeed.

They don't need an excuse for not including women and POCs. Their job is to make a movie that tells a specific story, not to make busybody women's and minority studies majors (i.e., the unemployed) feel better about themselves.

Yeah, why wasn't Jamie immediately arrested and brought up on charges? Oh yeah, because it doesn't take place in the real world, or anything resembling the real world. Better luck next time.

No it wasn't, but continue pretending hat Jamie half-raping his sister is somehow out-of-character for a guy who throws children out of windows, arranges rapes, and kills kings.

Because if you write something about women and you're a man, it's sexist.

What a clown.


We're not so colossally stupid that we can't get photo IDs!

Well yes, I imagine she might like a fantasy world where illegal aliens are actually deported.

Well he has been embarrassing the worst President in seventy years lately, so what does that say about Obama? :)

Yes, the Tea Party's desire that the government not spend more than it takes in must terrify you.

I'm cancelling my reservation.