Mai Thot

Wasn't my guy but the electorate spake and this is the result. I have had the exact fears you expressed here. But what choice did the GOP have if they say they believe in our Representative Republic? I was actually for Cruz but he didn't win. The worst thing I can think of for the GOP's future is to split the vote by

It's hard hitting, "In depth" analysis like that that really win's over critical thinkers who demand that kind of rebuttal where specific parts of the movie are questioned.
They took the movie apart factoid by factoid and showed them to be as false as G. Washington's teeth. Not a stone left unturned! They refuted each

They went for "Change you can believe in" didn't they? What the fuck does that mean? People should have asked, "What part about America and her citizens does he think needs changing?" But, instead, they just wanted to make history. Well here it is; the biggest fucking mess I have ever seen since LBJ stuck a wrench in

While there is some truth to your comment, or at least one could surmise that, you are mistaken about the country and how it should be run. America is the biggest business in the world. Just ask anyone involved in economics in Europe. We do need a good CEO to straighten out the financial mess the next president is