Philip J Reed

Lemons aren't melons. Quit messing with my head!


Shit, yes, how did I forget that? A black Santa, at that. It was the Very Special Singularity.

"The original isn't funny, so why would this version be?"

ALF weeping with a cancer moppet and delivering a baby in a stuck elevator should, by all rights, represent the Very Special Episode in its purest form.

Most of the music in the film was ill-fitting but was still pretty good THERE I SAID IT

Sometimes I feel like the only member of Team Chie. :(

Stop trying to make me disappointed in your interview!

"a honestly"

Sit down, PantsGolin, and let me tell you a little legend.

Now I get it!

You are watching The Magic Channel.

I remember when the guy who made this posted about it in the comments of another GJ,I! It's legitimately awesome and I've been annoying certain people on Facebook with it for weeks.

Nobody tell him about The Brothers Grunt.

Yeah, that's some embarrassingly misplaced snark. "David 'I’ve got disproportionately large eyes' Bowie"? Oh, you mean exactly like the thing it's supposed to look like?

Hell-ooooo Lego Lynndie England.

It was definitely correct the first time.

Yeah, this is news to me. I was just reading a Forgotbusters there not long ago. Granted, it was an old one, and I have no idea what the most recent article on the site was…but man. I had no idea.

I agree. But a lot of that is coming down from the crushing, atmospheric majesty of the version of Handbags and Glad Rags used in the original. It's not like anything could improve on that.

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