
How BIG is that thing? Hard to judge by photos, but in some views it looks massive!

Rapeseed oil is a widely available cooking oil. The common variety available today is marketed as “canola oil” (canadian oil, low-acid), for obvious public-relations reasons.

The roofline is ‘humpy’ from the A-pillar on back. The rear passenger headroom looks compromised. The ‘flatter’ line of the sedan roof is more elegant AND seems to give the rear-seat passenger more headroom. The droopy-ass of the A7 is a whole different mistake. My $0.02

I remember how big the 928 looked when it was introduced. Now, when I see one, it looks so compact and tidy. And that engine compartment! ❤️

You’re just trying to keep them all to yourself! 😂😂😂

If it isn’t on that truck yet, it WILL be.

Unless you’re in traffic, of course. There all three cars move at about the same pace. I know that’s not the point, but it is A point.

ALL three of those are better looking than the Panamara, in my opinion.

FoxtrotAlpha tends to focus on wondrous military innovations, which are interesting in themselves. It’s when the USA invades and occupies the wrong countries for bogus reasons, with no clear goal mind, that these toys become more damaging to our international reputation than they are essential to our protection.

It’s getting damned hard to find a wagon nowadays ...

I’m old. I’m still hoping for the demise of the SUV and crossover. I like driving and have no interest in driving a truck ... unless I need to move something big.

The more Honda “updates” their styling, the more I miss their boxy old cars. With actual headlights; flat, high-volume rooflines; and large glass areas. Reptilian headlights looked awesome on the Viper, silly on a Fit.

Unfortunately, since Mr. Honda’s demise, the corporation he created seems to have suffered at the hands of “bean counters” and market researchers. Honda’s cars and motorcycles were a LOT more interesting, and FUN, when they were chasing innovations rather than market share. Maybe that's just one of the sad realities

As beautiful as a small tin top can be, imho

Unfortunately, the insurance industry still controls access to affordable mental health care, not “Obamacare”. And, for mental health services to help, the person has to WANT to be helped. It's easier (and cheaper) to self-medicate, and fantasize about RAMBOing all those people that are doing you wrong.

Nice looking bike!