
But no coverage on how light the sentences are for female teachers who face similar charges? Are you TRYING to show the world how hypocritical you people are?

She has doubts about his innocence now that she knows she won't be getting any money from him? How surprising.

I have three questions about this article:


Why does Jezebel hate due process so much?

Major. Facepalm.

Dear God, Lindy, did you do ANY fucking research before you wrote this? The bias towards women in family courts is a DIRECT RESULT of feminist activism known as the "Tender Years Doctrine".

I love how you never actually address any of his points, but just make sarcastic remarks about them and pretend that constitutes logic.

If men have a bunch of privileges that they are inherently blind to because that is the very nature of said privileges, how do you know women don't have female privilege?

Jezebels seem pretty addicted to that word, "derailment". I looked for your studies on Google and couldn't find anything that held up under scrutiny. But if you don't feel like backing up what you say, I'll just throw some Hitchens at you: "That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without

I like the part where you refuse to directly address what I said with anything logical or tangible. That's so very feminist.

You obviously didn't read it. It covered correlation and causation from pretty much every angle. It debunked violence as a means of self-defense on the woman's part, as well as the idea that it's somehow caused by "Patriarchal" attitudes. Give me just one of your "alternate explanations" for one of the claims. You

What do you find so objectionable about it? The fact that it's published by a men's rights organization?

Now playing

You know Lindy, if this is your typical reader, I have a hard time believing that you really have men's best interests at heart. Just sayin'.

I never said it is exclusively the job of feminists to help men. I'm just saying that they need to start helping men if they won't stop insisting until they're blue in the face that they are helping men too., which is the most popular MRA website.

Your attitude is a rather rare one amongst feminists. Try preaching your ideas of equality to the Domestic Violence industry and see how much they like it.

You obviously know nothing about what MRAs really stand for, Ari.'ve never heard "check your privilege" uttered?

What about "dickhead"? What about "scumbag"? What about "jackoff"?