
A lot of people are going to try to tell you different, but let me assure you: you are exactly the right amount of upset about this.

Remember when you were a kid eating a Popsicle when it melted, fell on the sidewalk just before you took a bite and the fit you threw? Imagine being a 6'4" 238 pound child and your W melts and falls on the field right in front of you before you can taste it or share that flavorful treat with your teammates.

If he starts making frantic movie deals and harassing starlets, you’ll know for sure.

You know what that cheetah could use? Some coke.

The fact that you are calling them “coke dogs” instead of “coke K9s” is a travesty. I would also accept the alternate spelling of “cocaine9s.”

Wow, the last place I’d expect this story from is Florida.

“Officer, that’s not mine. It’s for my dog.”

I’m just going to say it:

Maybe it’s just because this has been such an absolute shitshow of a year, but something tells me that there’s a bigger reason behind his leaving and that coming out first with admission of substance addiction will lay the groundwork for a future excuse when past behavior gets brought up.

The frustrating thing about the Thibs vs. GarPax feud was that there was no one to root for in that fight. You’ve got one side that’s right about most things, but SUPER wrong about one thing (Thibs), and the other side right about that one thing but wrong about just about everything else.

Right. It’s like saying, “All I need to be a millionaire is a million dollars.”

KD, upon realization that Boogie would undoubtedly win the fight, promptly teamed up with Boogie in the pursuit of himself.

I don’t care one way or the other about Durant joining the Warriors, but the fact that he’s creating fake accounts and arguing with Twitter eggs makes me think at least some part of him isn’t entirely comfortable with everything that went down.


No KD fan here, but this headline is hot garbage. Security did their job and stuck KD in a side corridor and tried to defuse the situation. There was no running and hiding. Just another lame-ass hot take headline from the crew.

Erik Spoelstra, now Miami Heat coach, was on Loyola Marymount court March 4, 1990, the night Hank Gathers died.

From the player’s perspective, I get it. I’m sure Bosh wishes he was out on the court with every fibrin of his being.

"What's the worst that could happen?" -Hank Gathers

I thought the headline said “Stanky-ass”. And it’s Deadspin, so I just went with it.