Phil Dennison

"and a rapidly expanding midsection that gives the term “immaculate conception” an unsettling twist."

If they're planning on going with that nonsense "voices at the end of the 911 tape" thing, then this is going to be nothing but a steaming hot pile of bullshit.

A "spec script" written nearly 20 years after a show has left the airwaves is more properly referred to as "fan fiction." You're welcome.

I worked there just one summer, between my freshman and sophomore years of college in 1988, in food service. My main job was at a cotton candy/snow cone stand on the Midway just across from where riders entered the Sky Ride. It was absolutely miserable — making cotton candy is a crappy job under the best of

I was at this show — you can't see it in the video, but on the drum riser behind Carrie, she had a little blue-and-white plastic menorah. True story.

" . . . stuff like the inexplicable mispronunciation of “shool” and “gurnal,” for example . . . "

Singing Wind: I am Singing Wind, chief of the Martian tribe.

To this day, whenever we pull into an attended parking lot, either my wife or I will inevitably say, "Way to guard the parking lot, Top Gun!"

My best friend is the chief of police in Twinsburg. He always gets a kick out of Twins Days.

Marge, what's wrong? Are you hungry? Sleepy? Gassy? Is it gas? It's gas, isn't it?

Man, I have about had it with bands touring and stopping in both Pittsburgh and Detroit, but not Cleveland in between. Cripes, Detroit — according to cultural observer Moe Szyslak — is livin' in Mad Max times!