Biden is no Wile E. Coyote. How dare you besmirch Wile E.’s good name?
Biden is no Wile E. Coyote. How dare you besmirch Wile E.’s good name?
Sounds like a lot of big talk from some pussy-ass wannabe.
First! on a recycled article...
With the number of black families that have inter-generational transmission of wealth increasing, they are fleeing the Dumbocratic party, Blexit, y’all, and tired of being told that they are victims. Get off the guvment teet bitches?
Another fucking ruining of a movie.
Well shit, it looks like all them dick lovin sluts will have to get back alley abortions then, huh?
Fuck you asshole. You’re shit is so fucking tired. Go to bed already old man.
Just a reminder...Breona Taylor was not in bed when she was shot. She was standing in a hallway next to her boyfriend who had just shot at police.
Or your mom’s slimy gash.
Can’t think for yourself huh?