Um...what you quoted simply addresses a recommendation that people who convert to EV keep their old parts safe and well-labelled.
Um...what you quoted simply addresses a recommendation that people who convert to EV keep their old parts safe and well-labelled.
This was also a great way to get third party confirmation of their success. If the Soviets had simply released these pictures themselves, most people would expect them to be faked propaganda pieces. But to have another country- not just any country, but a close ally of their greatest enemy- confirm they were from the…
This guy jalops
Psssh.. $30k budget?
You’re overlooking the point. It WOULD be small potatoes, and easy to deal with, had it been dealt with several years ago...
So they’re going to hold their race in a stadium parking lot?
Why not, nobody is playing football there. *
Have any of the above stuffed a GM press car into a barrier?
If those tires are more than about 6 years old please consider replacing them regardless of tread depth, I’d hate for you to loose one on the highway and damage that rare gem you’ve got there and especially after all the man and woman hours that you’ll be putting into it.
I will never argue that Zach Bowman is more talented than I am, but what the fuck is your problem, man?
Oh, then please tell me how I can make my next near-death experience more entertaining for you.
Jalopnik Writer: “Drive Your Cars More, You Cowards!”
If only we could harness tiny explosions to propel the vehicle, too! Nah, that’s probably too wild of an idea for the near future.
Came for neat pictures, got stuck with another tired take on wealth politics. Aren’t there other Kinja sites for this nonsense?
A car sitting in a garage makes 0 horsepower.
No, it’s the idea that some doofuses, especially Facebook, tried to promote to news sites that what readers wanted was videos instead of clearly written stories, as if we can all watch videos at work and such. Turned out it was all based on bogus numbers that Facebook made up and now they’re getting sued over it. https…
Fuck HR with a rusty rake.
“I predict there will be a lot of “more dollars than sense” comments following this story, but, it really wouldn’t be hard to have this much car get away from you”
Can confirm. People immersed in PE are easily the worst people I’ve ever been involved with, and I comment on the internet.