Phil Layshio

GIF is not a word but an abbreviation...partner. The G stands for “Graphics”, which you (hopefully) pronounce with a hard G.

OP is obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed anyway (track race red?)

I have seasonal allergies, so I never wear a mask unless I’m in close (typically indoor) quarters with anyone. The chance of giving or receiving COVID-19 while passing someone on a sidewalk is practically nil - especially if you maintain some distance from them. I never wear a mask outdoors unless I’m directly

I’ll take “times when I don’t need to look who wrote the article because I can tell by the headline” for 500 Alex.

Stop saying Rona?? Don’t help to destroy the English language anymore than it already is. You are a writer/journalist.

I had no problem with your article... until you put your political stance and hatred to Trump supporters at the end.
(I am not a Trump supporter but would just love a neutral opinion when reporting)

He should have just complied.

I’m gonna grab some 1/8" steel and my Harbor Freight welder and GO TO TOWN.

They were also used as ambulances and, by one team, a support vehicle for busting ghosts. You could be die in a Meteor, be buried out of a Meteor and be imprisoned in a containment unit from a Meteor. They really had end-of-life transport needs covered. 

Are you gonna catch the Aurora Borealis in northern Sweden? If so, a photo of your van with the Aurora in the background would be fantastic.

Texas is insane. The people there drive like literal insane people. They don’t understand right of way, they don’t understand looking before you do something. The police also barely enforce traffic laws. This is backed up by someone working insurance. It’s just a never-ending stream of people aggressively merging into

Also the meaning of “a pretty darn good solution”

I owned the doppleganger to this van, the only exception being mine was a slushbox. Same year, color and interior. It was quick enough to regularly surprise the lowered Civic or non-turboed Eclipse that pulled alongside at the light, planning to holeshot the 30-something father in his POS van before his lane ran out.

This is pure amazing.  More content like fact, Jalopnik should sponsor a “Spec Changli” series.

Holy fuck Mr. Gladiator-Guy. Who the hell thought $650 a month for a lease was a good deal? And how the hell are you still paying $452 a month with three years left on a five year old Miata.

Yeah, it’s pretty surprising to a lot of people. It’s almost assumed that the majority of travel related accomplishments happened during the massive leap in transportation and infrastructure which occurred during the 1800s. There were a few earlier circumnavigations (Elspeth was the first from Britain) but even they

Dirt track racing and going back to their roots sounds great!

Now hold on a second. The Suction Cup Window Shades picture is credited to Andrew Collins. Yet, this same alleged Andrew Collins is pictured with BOTH of his hands on the wheel? Are you a lizard-like alien person? A mutant? An in-vitro gene spliced experiment? An extra from Galaxy Quest?

People who do this should be then forced to drive the nearest still-running Chevette for sale in their area. They must not improve the car in any way ever, and are only permitted to replace mechanical and safety-related parts as they fail. That shall be their fate. 

I would rather read about this than the Canadian lady writing for a Car page stuck in Texas telling us all we should not leave our house because of a pandemic, but doing so in an RV simply to lug her books, because that shit does not ship for some unknown reason.