Phil Layshio

No, it doesn't. Any death is tragic, but the life of a child and the life of a pet are not equal. 

Lucas tire, Coker, and probably more. They start at about $99.

Modle T parts are relatively cheap, and available pretty much everywhere. Hell Napa stocks some stuff for them. 

Loose their life? Maybe their life is too tight. Or maybe you mean "lose."

I wasn't born then but I grew up in the 80s, I thought we would have a nuclear breakout at any time. I can't imagine it actually almost happening.

Am I the only one who thinks it looks like a melted Bugatti?

You never admit that either. My real name is Phil. Yup. Phil. 

Oooooh! If we’re gonna do this let’s go all in. Still an electric bus, but pedal stations on all seats, driving small generators to assist with battery charging. Saves on fossil generated electicity AND gives the kids some excercise. A lot of schools have cut gym. We need this in our lives. Seriously not being

Came here to say exactly what you just did, probably less succinctly. I would add that it is my understanding that as a battery loses capacity, the degradation accelerates. I would think a large heavy bus would be quite taxing on an already suboptimal battery, and kill it in short order. With all that said it is an

The RX-8 did not kill the rotary engine. The rotary engine being a finicky, unreliable POS killed the rotary engine. 

I’ve had 3, the current one I bought specifically for a 110 mile daily commute. I wanted something cheap to run miles up on. I don’t have that commute anymore, but I see no reason to get rid of the car. It does what it does without drama, and even 20 years old it’s an XLE so it’s got decent seats and a ton of airbags.

And besides, “predatory lenders” charge 30% interest on 10 year old Corrolas. No poor working man is taking it in the shorts when his overpriced luxobarge gets repo’ed for non-payment.

Why? I know what predatory lending is. And it's not this. This is a security lienholder retrieving THEIR property when someone flakes on a loan. 

How is the bank fucking over customer's? If you take a loan and don't pay it, the  bank is the one getting fucked. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. If you do it and lose your car, you've fucked yourself. 

So........ You cannot walk literally anywhere in London without being on camera and they're talking about registering kitchen knives FFS. But a finance company using location service to retrieve their property when it isn't paid for is going too far? Sure.... Sounds legit. 

Im currently dealing with severed tendons in one finger, I cannot imagine my whole hand being this janky. Good luck to you, sir.

the first stock, street-legal vehicle I’d ever seen with a completely exposed engine...

Is it possible you’ve got an air bubble due to the leaky freeze plugs?

But it's really the most expensive only because it's the latest to be sold. The next one to trade hands will probably be higher. 

The Ford Pinto. Not really a vendetta, just a deep and everlasting resentment. In the spring of 1980, my father traded in a 1970 Torino GT for a ‘79 Pinto Wagon. Which was a good car that survived 220k miles and taught two teens how to drive. And I don’t care. Still haven’t forgiven him and I hate Pintos...