This is wonderful.
This is wonderful.
Holy shit... how long have you had this prepared?!
Read the fuckin’ blog MrSugarPenis
It sounded to me like she was saying “she’s such a babe.”
Nothing funny or witty to post tonight. (I’ll fuck with you later.) I have sons your age. Well, ten years younger than you, but still. Drew’s parents—your son has touched us all. He is with us daily. Every time I go to this site, it is with the hope of good news. Drew, get well. Much love to you, your wife, your kids.
*door flies open*
Thank goodness. This means I can stop calling up random Williams-Sonoma employees and yelling at them.
Good to see Drew avoided the clutches of BIG DEATH.
“North Carolina’s school districts are littered with single-wide trailers masquerading as schools”
The problem with North Carolina’s education system isn’t a divide in resources between rural and urban/suburban school districts. It’s that thanks to a bunch of asshole Republicans running the state government the past eight years, there’s not enough tax revenue coming in to properly fund the state’s school system,…
North Carolina’s rural teachers are ready to be heard, but they are going to eat shit instead because it’s a midterm election year, the GOP are in power across the country, and the Democrats are the worst opposition party since the Communist Party of Germany circa 1932.
White, black and Asian! That fucks up Tucker’s whole world view.
The weirdest thing, is that my understanding is that Pandas are the opposite of sex crazed and that zoos play panda porn to get them to hump. They are so not interested in sex that they have trouble procreating.
Yes, real things like the war in Syria. And sex-crazed pandas.
Man, Tucker does not like anything that mixes black and white.
Under someone’s jeans, just a-soakin’ up their ass-and-ball sweat.
Under someone’s jeans, just a-soakin’ up their ass-and-ball sweat.
That may be so but Catholic hosts were raised to be eaten.