
It’s part sports, part director’s commentary track on a dvd. Some people like to play basketball, others watch because they find it entertaining or relaxing or like to see it performed at a higher level than they are capable of or are willing to dedicate time to. It can take a larger activity and break it into smaller

With the Steam controller, I take Fallout 4 to another level. My default setup, page 1, is mostly like the standard layout - use/jump/menu/reload on the ABXY, aim and fire on the L2/R2, VATS and Melee/Grenade on L1/L2. Right pad is mouselook, press is jump, double-tap is sneak.

But then it gets complicated. Left

Nuclear weapons are incredibly expensive - the U.S. and Russia are sort of locked into maintaining a large stockpile and keeping a roughly equivalent number aimed at each other because of the history of the Cold War. MAD/deterrence game theory demands each country has an equivalent amount of nuclear force, as if one

China does not have a substantial nuclear arsenal, perhaps 2-300. Like all nuclear countries besides the U.S. and Russia, their capability is solely for deterrence - they have a No First Use policy and a large majority of their warheads are intermediate range or less. They probably have around 60 missiles capable of

That’s not necessarily true. Limited exchanges without total war are possible - Iran, North Korea, Israel, and India/Pakistan are all states that could engage in small-scale nuclear warfare without triggering a full-scale nuclear retaliation from (or between, really) the U.S. and Russia. It is still incredibly

The degree of inaccuracy is measured by the Circular Error Probable (CEP), which is how often 50% of warheads aimed at that spot will land within a certain radius. Modern ICBMs from both Russia and the U.S. are very accurate, generally within a 200-300m radius of the targeting point. Warheads don’t have very high

The best place to live would be coastal Oregon and Northern California (…). There are no major cities or bases that would be targets - everyone thinks that their local military base, seaport, airport, power plant, state capital, etc, makes them a first strike target. They’re

If you play Skyrim, there’s a mod that lets you do exactly that. Familiar Faces lets you import characters from old save games. You can turn them into followers, spouses, or just turn them into NPCs and they’ll wander around Skyrim. You can attach a quest marker to your old character, flag them as essential, and hunt

Shrinking the space between molecules - between subatomic particles - is simple, it just takes a lot of energy. Like, a ‘star not quite massive enough to become a black hole, but with enough gravitational force to overcome electron degeneracy pressure and convert all protons and electrons into neutrons’ kind of