
My mom and I had an argument last night about the patriarchal society, and her somewhat nasty attitude included telling me she just thinks I’m just being “a liberal” about the whole thing. Of course she doesn’t mean this as a compliment. This asshole is going to get confirmed tomorrow. Next week is my mom’s birthday,

Did you watch the season premiere? A lot of this was addressed. And their first kiss changed something within him; he did it while he was angry, then realized he liked it. 

And thank you, by the way! 

So, so true. And certain episodes I have LOVED; I think my favorite is when Penny gives Sheldon the napkin with Leonard Nimoy’s DNA. I also thought they handled Amy and Sheldon’s first night together really well. When Amy screams, “Let’s get me waxed!” I laughed my fool head off.

My love for this show has been unabashed, but even I have grown weary of it. The only thing that kept me tuning in was Amy and Sheldon and the lead-up to the wedding, which I thought was really sweet, even if I did call it weeks beforehand that Mark Hamill would be officiating.

He’s played the keyboard on TBBT several times; he is really good! 

This is bullshit. It should be Janet Jackson, this year more than ever. Do not congratulate. 

Haha, fair point. I actually used to work with her. It was before Junior, and I didn’t know much about her personal life, but she was very nice.

I hope Vanessa writes a tell-all sometime really soon. 

But a guy who’s almost 70 gets to be with someone in her 30s, so we’re all good. Or a guy who’s in his 70s (Jagger) gets to be with a woman who’s 29. None of these guys will ever think a woman their own age would be a viable partner. Ugh. 

Thanks for that visual image. But yeah, he definitely deserves that. 

Can’t we do both? 

I seriously need karma to kick in for Junior. I hope Mueller refuses his request to turn himself in and makes him do the perp walk, handcuffs and all. That’s only the beginning of karmic payback. That slimy asshole deserves nothing less. 

I would LOVE IT if someone could do a scientific study on whether sperm is somehow not the same quality — I guess is the word? — the older a man gets. Because good Christ I am sick of old rich guys having kids with women half or less than half their age. Yeah, I’m looking at you, Mick Jagger. Anyone already frustrated

Downey. Please fix. It’s driving me crazy. 

Nope. Fuck this all to fucking hell. So disappointed that NY mag signed on for this, and with Daphne Merkin of all people. They’re supposed to be better than that.

I’m sorry, are you just trying to be an asshole? I said that all the cities — not just NYC — vote blue. And the rest of the state is red. Why the fuck is this so difficult to understand? 

And except for the cities, the entire state is red. And they resent the hell out of NYC. And a lot of them voted for Trump because of it. 

Cuomo has not won a third term. He won his primary. He now has to run against Marcus Molinaro, the Republican challenger, who was unopposed on his ticket and therefore did not need a primary. I get that Cuomo will handily beat him, but come on. Words matter. More than ever. 

I had to read another version of the story elsewhere to understand that, yes, SJP did a campaign for Kat Florence and kept the jewels longer than she should while also not being paid all she was owed for her work. Which honestly, is just stupid on Kat Florence’s part. Is Kat Florence so well known that the company can