
Definitely NOT the first boxing movie ever made, Mr. Bowes. Do your homework next time before you write your articles, and especially when you title them because it makes you and the site look kinda lame. I do agree with you however that Body & Soul is the best boxing movie ever made. It's just not the first one.

So true. If this season isn't like the 1st I might actually enjoy it.

'Cameo - A brief appearance of a prominent actor or celebrity, as in a single scene of a motion picture. Also called cameo role.'
Hollywood circa 1950 Marilyn Monroe may have been considered up-and-coming, but certainly not prominent. So you're right it's not a cameo.

Ok. Lol!!!

"Blink & you'll miss it cameo". If you've ever seen the film All About Eve
(which I seriously doubt Ms. Eichel based on that description), you'll realize that is not true.

Agreed. I was just watching that scene the other day & I still get emotional.

How can you discuss Peter Weir's directorial output and forget 1993s Fearless with Jeff Bridges. For shame!