
Exactly. "Oh I can't tell you the cure because it's need to know/top government secret." Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining, bro. Also, he should have admitted that he was a liar the moment he started getting people killed. He is the Rat King of douchebags, imho.

I did understand Abraham latching onto

I knew Eugene's "cure" was absolute bullshit the moment he declined to show any receipts.

Also, in Abraham's flashback, when he first meets Eugene, Eugene says, "I think [the zombies] are getting faster." RED FLAG NO. 1 THAT HE'S NOT A REAL SCIENTIST, BRO. (Though I totally get that Abraham was distracted by the loss

I'm so glad Shade Court has become a weekly thing.

All the way to the top.

I only care about Annalise and Connor. All the other characters can seriously go pound sand; they are so annoying, especially Rebecca. I want to slap her.

It's more like Children of the Corn.

This post deserves a Pulitzer Prize for Journalism.

I wasn't sure what to make of twigs's music when I first started listening to it—it's very different than what I usually select. But the more I listen to it, the more I enjoy it. "Papi Pacify" is now one of my favorite songs and music videos.

I didn't even know they were still a company.



Real or not, that's a big, fat fucker of a nope. NOPE.

I cane here thinking it was about the breed, not the...whatever the hell Pitbull thinks he is. (Rapper? A social experiment?)

Oblig pit bull puppy picture.

Well, they do now that you've told the entire world. THANKS A LOT, LINDA. You've ruined it for the rest of us sneak-poopers.

creepy thing that peeks in through cracks

Scrub supreme Justin Bieber was hanging out the passenger side of his best friend's ride, trying to holler at a model.

This picture is perfect.

I'm cackling.

For some reason, I imagined the dude from Office Space as the angel.

"If you could go ahead and give birth to the son of God, that'd be great."

Mary did draw the shortest stick to ever exist.