
The *main* issue with flying cars is the drivers. People are bad enough with two axes.

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According to Clarkson, the Alfa 8C is art.


Gold and... slightly golder-gold?

That’ll do.

Really enjoying your deep dive into Chinese knockoffs, Torch. And the "lol nothing matters" graphic is brilliantly perfect. Like the lo-fi chyron on Better Call Saul.

Want to meet a couple designers and engineers for lunch somewhere around south congress this week?

Here's a dude who had the persona of asshole created around him because he was good enough with words in front of a camera. Who pretty much resurrected a dead institution that people loved in a completely different way, which they loved more, it turned out.

...Not to be confused with BMW's other 2.

This... actually isn't so different from what I wanted my thesis project to be, over a decade ago. Our actual project was sponsored by the American Plastics Council.

Well, the runabout part is right. A joy to drive on shirt trips or twisty roads, and an absolute pain in the ass for any length of highway driving.

Midship Runabout!

Trolling the automotive and aeronautical worlds since the 50s!

It's just unfortunate that everything after the Delorean was a shapeless turd.

Still a Lotus.

Other than the original Esprit, my favorite Lotus is easily the 340R.

The original's ads featured skinny dippers jumping nekkid. From an orange Honda.

That's certainly my argument. The E60 looks downright conservative, now.