
Too many favorites to list 'em all, but the Avus will always be at the top.

It's missing the hoverhand.


Haven't seen this mentioned, yet. Not fully-exposed, I guess, but what an upskirt.



Cannot agree more.

Thundercats hoooooooo!

... and i guess that's all I have to say about it.

Oh, man. This was one of my first Favorite Cars.

Yeah, the tank car is too.... polished. It's much easier to imagine Brutus just honey badgering through brick walls or whatever else might be in the way.

That thing makes me so happy.

Brutus? Maybe Brutus.

Right now (or at least two years ago when he was actually working on these), I'm gonna go with Nader Faghihzadeh. Pretty sure he hasn't been mentioned. BMW Advanced, BMW production, and some of the most beautiful and artful sketches since the 70s.

He designed the Audi Avus, which I would classify as EXTREMELY sexy. And a lot of good has come out of Ford in the last ten years.

Holy crap. So glad to hear he's still there. He had some of the best stories.

Schreyer was also at the head of Audi during the Bauhaus revolution of the '90s— the TT, A6, etc. Respect, indeed.


Really? Has no one said this yet? Or did I just miss it?