
Porsche 550 Le Mans Coupe.

Let us also not forget the majesty that is Le Mans. That fiery 917 crash is just jaw-dropping.


@Emor8t: as amazing as your acid trip at age 7?

I. Like.

Driving in Austin TX.

That loon also was the dude behind the 907, 908, and 917— the sweetest cars Porsche's ever made (with the exception of the 550 Le Mans Coupe).

Not to mention that the Veyron-Cessna+train race was the single best Top Gear, ever, bar none.

@zoomzit: It's such an ego exercise. Piëch says "I want that." Engineers say, sorry, homes. That shape won't do what you want. Too much lift. Too much drag. Piëch says "Make it happen."

@TurboBrick: brilliant spot. very good call.

Oh man, I totally forgot to mention the mattress which was ON FIRE taking up the right.

I'm not buyin it. I've lived in Detroit and San Francisco, and nothing beats texas for pure idiocy, when it comes to shit on roads.

On second thought, no. The Maserati. I don't care what James May says about it.

I'm with MikeM. The corvette's the weakest link.

The dude who runs the tire shop I just gave a lot of money to last week (who shows no signs of hippie-ness whatsoever) has converted his F250 and his '04 Jetta to run on the fryer oil he gets from the burger joint across the street. I mean, Herr Diesel himself intended for his engines to run on peanut oil.

There should be one of those crappy 'reality' shows (like the one Discovery did with the GM design interns) for Formula SAE. I mean, where else will you see someone racing a 600CC V-12?

Loverman— That's the best comment I've ever seen. Formal/visual semantics+ verbal semantics. As a [former car]designer, this is exactly the question I've been asking.

Loverman— That's the best comment I've ever seen. Formal/visual semantics+ verbal semantics. As a [former car]designer, this is exactly the question I've been asking.