Actually, it’s about ethics in gaming journalism.
Actually, it’s about ethics in gaming journalism.
He was asked about his opinion. Whose opinion he should have given? He wasn’t asked to simply name a few female journalists of that era, he was asked about the ones who inspired him. None have, so he gave that answer. I’m sure, there are numerous male contemporaries who haven’t inspired him either. If someone claims,…
Schrodinger’s Hamlet: Inside of an ongoing play is a Dane who may or may not be insane. Both states are equally likely until a literature professor analyzes the text.
Alas, poor Shakespeare. I knew him, Horatio.
Telling people you’re not having sex doesn’t make a lot of sense if you’re trying to fake a relationship.
I don’t think Elizabeth Warren is boy-crazy, Steinem. I don’t think far-left women are boy-crazy. I think they’re just socialist.
It is entirely worth noting that this procedure was done under the auspices of the NHS, and so would not have cost this lady anything.
Newcastle: brings in more money than Inter, spends 95% of the time acting like Mike Ashley has to stand on the street and beg for spare change in order to get new players.
“Why Is This Movie” has to be a regular feature please. PLEASE. PLEASE BOBBY PLEASE.
Leni Reifenstahl would have a fucking stroke if she saw that. Nazis paid good money for their propaganda.
I appreciate this.
I miss the pre-Kardashian days when they were Cit-Cats.
Dr. Alison Edelman of Oregon Health & Science University told KOIN she supports the new law, but points out some providers are afraid that women may not come in for preventative check-ups since they are able to get birth control at a pharmacy.
Yes, many do. However, NOBODY should be shamed into doing it
I find reading Balzac quite relaxing. Give it a go. It might do you some good!
That’s a hilarious thing to hear coming from Hitler.