
Nah, people always have money for entertainment, thats proven. I dont think sales will be high but I doubt Blu-Ray will die out.

Somewhere Ken Kutaragi is crying............or maybe laughing.

Thats a lot of F-ing PSP's!

I thought Jack was the "Raving Wild Woman", "Unhinged"

It used to be EA made good games once upon time!

WEAK! EA cant even rip games right. Bag Company will be an average game at best and MGS4 is off the charts so I dont think they have room to talk. And we all know this game wont come close to COD4!

No thanks!

Oh man who cares! This game is going to rock!

I was in the pool!

He must have said that about the first version of the 360 and look where that got them. Somethings need more time than others Moore! Thought you would of figured that out by now.

I'm not getting the love for this video. Looks ok, not great. And its by EA so its sure to disappoint. EA is more worried about acquiring Take Two than developing games.

Screw Fox news! They dont even report news, its just mindless babel!

I played the demo and this game sucks. Save your money and your time.