
A wig would be a step up from whatever that is on his head

This reminds me of a book we had to read for school once. These siblings ran away from home and were hiding out in the mall at night. They’d stay in the bathroom until the lights went out and take money from the fountain to pay for things.

Best scene for me was Felicity standing between the both of them like she was going to stop a fight.

Another fantastic episode. Deep down I was still hoping this Ava was the original the clones were based on. Was not expecting her to be the twelfth.

In my AP bio class our teacher said he could get pure (or at least mostly pure) cocaine for us to study. To this day I’m not sure if he was serious, bragging, or if it was a trap

I’ll never understand all these stupid unwritten rules that say you’re not supposed to play after a certain point. Like that story a few weeks about about getting a dunk when you’re winning.

I didn’t realize how much I missed this while it was on hiatus. It’s Monday and I’m still laughing.

For me personally, I’d give it a C+, maybe a B- because it subverted my expectations. I just knew Thea was going to die, I assumed because of some League ritual, so I’m glad they didn’t kill her off.

I really wish we had seen the talk of getting the serpents to help Betty.

This episode was great but 2 bitz might be my favorite character. That scene with the microwave had me on the floor. He’s kind of like Turk from Daredevil

My only issue with the episode is not seeing Damien react to his daughter attacking him.

This was a layered episode for me. On the one hand, Maze is out of control and I can’t believe she’d betray (and manipulate probably) Lucifer yet again. But at the same time, Lucifer hasn’t exactly been a good friend. I don’t think he realizes there’s more to Maze than she let on in Hell and that their friendship

You mean 3 weeks sadly. It’s going on hiatus again

Reminds of a bit from Trevor Noah. Don’t wear a hoodie, don’t approach the police, don’t have skittles, don’t be muscular. Basically don’t leave your house and you’ll be good! Approach those windows however and they’ll accuse you of robbing your own place

Can someone explain to me how the Wayans got dragged into this?

Not sure I see the issue here. What’s wrong with having fun in the snow?

50th? And we on what season of Pokemon?

If the black hood isn’t Chic and/or Hal working together I’ll be shocked

We’ll have to set up a live blog of my descent into madness lol

I wish the kissing booth would’ve had more screen time or we saw Archie’s face when she floated the idea. These days he’s less of a boyfriend and more of an errand boy.