Side note, can Alice really be considered a good mom? I mean she did leave her daughter at the bar after the dance
Side note, can Alice really be considered a good mom? I mean she did leave her daughter at the bar after the dance
Let me throw this out there. What if the Cheryl thing isn’t a lesbian angle? What if this is just how she was with her brother? Honestly before they told me they were twins I swore they were dating. They seemed way too close, physical or otherwise
What type of motorcycle and do you deliver?
What type of motorcycle and do you deliver?
I thought these were expensive and stupid. Then I bought one and fell in love. Sadly I moved and my new toilet is elongated so the round one doesn’t fit anymore.
I thought these were expensive and stupid. Then I bought one and fell in love. Sadly I moved and my new toilet is…
I’m confused. How can they seize something that was sold?
They want to sue him? Good luck finding him
Glad it wasn’t just me! That was tripping me out lol
Yeah I don’t know much about either person mentioned in this article aside from hearing their names before but I swore that was Taylor Swift in that photo wearing leopard. Confused the hell out of me lol
Betty could never claim to be someone else’s kid. Breaking and entering runs in the family lol
Can’t believe you didn’t bring up the Bodyguard reference. The timing was perfect considering the 25th anniversary was last week. Great episode and write up.
My response to number 7 to be counter assumptive and say I don’t like rap, I like Brad Paisley, or some other country singer. They never have a response.
Blackish did an episode on Monopoly and it highlighted why I don’t play anymore. It get too real man.
Great article. You guys need a subsection of Kotaku (or I guess Kinja in general) that talks about kickstarters and keeping people accountable
It’s never been addressed if she’s there or not. Each Earth is different so she might have never made it to Earth. Or she might have died. Or she’s a version of Kara who refuses to use her powers.
Before the Supergirl part was revealed I thought they were going there for Cisco. Maybe they were and got lucky that she was there was well so they didn’t need him. But worst case for them they take over the Earth and hope it either has a Kara or they take a breecher and keep hoping Earths
Finally I meet someone else who doesn’t understand the hype around the song either. Some friends of mine played the video too it and knew all the words. And I just sat there waiting for it to go off. I still don’t know what it means.
You know I thought it would be higher. Actually I thought you’d say he was already passed that 333 but then I realized you said it’s only been 311 days. It feels so much longer...
Kicking myself cause I missed that the girl was in a top hat. I mean I saw the hat but assumed she was a magician. You win this round...
So... How’d you originally publish this in 2018? I knew you guys were time travelers!
We just not gonna talk about the irony of Alice Cooper wearing a snake necklace and walking in looking like Katniss Everdeen on fire? That was funny.