
The title? C’mon!

Please cut this person out of your life.

“just not wanting to see little green chat bubbles”

So when are they going to stop promoting Chris Brown?

Curious — Does your phone have a small storage limit set for your Spotify app? I haven’t had any issues here myself.

Yo, Aimee, Derren Brown has done loads of documentaries debunking pseudoscience and supposed miracles. He makes no pretence that what he does is magical or gifted. But he does do what he does, and regularly tours live.

I feel like if he put on a muppet costume with the half mask from Phantom of the Opera, the entire image would be complete.

“uniformly mediocre” lmao sit your ass down child, the marvel netflix shows (aside from iron fist) have consistently been better than most of the MCU movies

That is not what happened in Donnie Darko. It wasn’t a dream. It was an alternate timeline. He had to send that jet engine back in time and kill himself to prevent everything that you saw from happening.

it’s also certified by Stephen King himself - I’ve read that he wishes he thought of that ending!

Tom Jane was the practical, reasonable guy surrounded by a bunch of crazy people going on blind faith. He got kicked out, and when confronted with a no-win scenario, he did the practical thing. Had he had a little faith, everyone would have lived.

It’s an emotional kneecapping and it’s one of the better twists in genre

Nope. You have The Mist in the wrong list - that ending is brutal, haunting and utterly chilling, and the film is all the better for it.

See, there’s a bunch of us who have nearly flawless experiences with USPS - I never miss mail, it comes 1 or 2 days after I know it was mailed, and these days I even get an email showing me images of the envelopes so I know if it’s worth checking my mailbox that day.

Yea sounds like a problem with the employees in Atlanta. I’ve consistently have had he opposite experiences with USPS.

Yup. TLJ was a genuinely good movie. I loved it even more the second time specifically because of all of the nuance a second viewing brings. It is not perfect, but no movie ever is.

I feel like you missed the best one, where Poe Dameron, dashing space flyboy, pulls a mutiny on the cold and frigid new commander who’s obviously not as a good a choice as him in his own mind, and it turns out he’s the asshole, not the hero.

Also when hyperdrive kamikaze rendered basically every other form of space warfare obsolete

- Luke milking that thing was gross. But a good reminder that Jedi are weirdos.
^ this alone made me so thankful for Luke’s grumpiness

But the more important thing I am saying here is that I am sure I remember [SPOILER ALERT] Laura Dern turning her capital ship around and ramming it through the bad guys’ ships at the fucking speed of fucking light, [END SPOILERS] which ruled so fucking hard that even now, typing it, I feel like yelling “Fuck yeah,”

Saw it last night. B+ at the very least.