
Those statements were so similar because they were actually copying previous peoples' statements.

George Clooney told a story not too long ago about he and his guys playing DiCaprio and his friends in a pick-up basketball game. DCap and his friends, well over a decade younger, were talking all kinds of crap, and then when they actually played, majorly sucked. Clooney said he doesn't believe DiCaprio has anyone in

Stop pretending you know anything about the treatment of queers in media, because you obviously know absolutely nothing about it if you believe that's an exaggeration.

Nice of you to ignore 99% of lesbians on television die, and lesbians have a right and reason to be upset about that.

Yeah, and yet in the real world, lesbians fully expect fictional lesbians to die because, well, don't they always?

I think it's safe to say what it means to queers and what it means to everyone else aren't even close to being the same thing. So glad I got to see myself die yet again in yet another story. I'm so moved, let me tell you.