
i believe you but idk bb it did not play out well at all. like i kept reading it making a slightly upset, unsure face because i felt as if it was too cruel for jez to have put up, and there was a joke i was missing, but it was, unfortunately, absolutely something someone out there has written.

With all due respect, if this is satire, it’s very poorly done. Most readers of this site are educated, bright, and quite humorous. If this was even a moderately well-written satire piece, more readers would have realized it.

Is that what was decided after the intended narrative didn’t catch on? LOL nice try.

She might be funny, but she’s funny in that way when you laugh uncomfortably at an acquaintance when they make an off-color joke. In that, this wasn’t actually funny, it was weird, and weirdly nasty. Lots of Cool Girl-isms, etc in this piece.

I too was confused by the snark leveled at this woman's blog post. What she stated is common sense advice—-if you are entering highly hierarchical corporate structures like finance or Big Law your first 4 or 5 years will be incredibly work-heavy. There will be no such thing as "work- life balance" during those

Some of this about the blog post is a little out-of context. It's aimed specifically at women in their 20s, to get themselves into a position where they have more flexibility to have a family. And for example, the full quotes for these are:

I'm glad someone pointed this out. I've never read about an evolutionary psychologist who didn't somehow justify stereotypes through his work.

"It was interesting to me to have my patriarchal bias confirmed. No, I didn't think of this from any other angle - why do you ask?"

"That was very interesting to me, as an evolutionary psychologist, that it reflects kind of ancestral tendencies."

Madonna spells about as well as I expected.

Yeah, and by focusing on getting women out of prison, it implies that either women are more innocent, or they're more childlike and can't handle prison.

I don't really see why the focus has to be on women here; just non-violent offenders in general.

So if anybody wants actual science on beauty products, check out, not this bullshit website that is all about fear mongering and not about actual science.

BoC: Excuse me, waiter, I'll have an Arnold Palmer.

Yup. Even the shithead players, to some extent. There's absolutely no reason amateur sports should be paired with college other than an accident of history.

Sure, but not addressing the fact that they take part in it and what that might mean to them on a personal level seems like a fairly glaring omission.

So are you going to stop posting your selfies to Twitter, Erin?


I agee! It's like he's torn between wanting to bone Manic Pixie Dreamgirls and intellectual knowing they're problematic. He takes his basic fantasy and overlays it with intellectualism... but then writes in enough vulnerability to maintain his erection.