
I really enjoy this game. I have 90 percent unlocked and achieved. I enjoy all the distractions. At first, it was a little slow. However, overtime, it grew on me. Once you start Bedbug's story, it begins to pick up and feel a bit like New Jack City. Overall, I fell this should have been a game under the Sleeping Dogs


You know, my kids and I stop and read all books in Skyrim. I make them do it and then tell me the story. I love games that make you read and eliminate most of the voice over. I think this is a fantastic idea.

You hack into her home in the game as well, over hear her talking about ctOS smelling her farts.

This is a better idea. I often play these games and am done within a month. It also lets me try them and decide whether or not to head to GameStop to purchase or buy them online. For example, I was told I would hate Remember Me. Then, it became one of the free games on PS Plus. So, I downloaded it and gave it a try.

That's stupid. Killzone has some of the best combat AI I have seen on console or PC. Enemies take cover, fire from cover, assist in flanking, and even toss grenades to get you out of cover. You constantly have to think on your toes and shift tactics. The Order: 1886, compared to any of the Killzones, has poor AI.

I prefer the alternate time line, where you meet J. *SPOILER*

Honestly, instead of pushing this as some fantastic new, next-gen game with new ideas, they should have just placed it under the same title as Sleeping Dogs or True Crime; or sold it to those publishers. It feels like it belongs with those, rather than introducing anything new. Sure, manipulating a few city elements

*sigh* More enemies that stand there, whilst you shoot them multiple times. Come on. Give me some more intelligent AI. Frankly, if I get popped in the leg, I am getting to cover. I am not going to stand there and let you continue to pop three more rounds in me. They need to fix that.

NO! Don't you do it! Don't you make fun of Studio Ghibli or point out any obviousness, not with the retirement of Miyazaki so close to heart.

Apparently, this is a game about a woman who was very pissed off about the Duke Nukem Forever release.

Now playing

One of my own that I discovered in Skyrim.


Honestly, there is something the devs said that is sticking with me. "This game is not for everyone." Meaning, they are spending $500,000,000 on a game that will is target specific. So, let us do the math. In order to make up for the sales, $500,000,000/$60 = around 8.3 million copies; that is, if they decide not to

I wish they would go back and do this type of game again, rather than CG. I liked and still love the green screen MK. With what is possible, I do not understand why we are getting these crappy CG characters and not be able to rip apart, and fight, real character actors.

Note to self: Make back up of creations, so that chuckleheads cannot irrevocably damage said creations.

Mirror's Edge would be even more awesome in this, with more chrome.

Fuck you Pneumonia. You keep taking all the good ones.

I do not understand, after Final Fantasy movies, why they did not just go CG with these movies. I would not love them less. With Hamill's voice acting background, it would have been fantastic to have him back voicing Skywalker.

Reward me for exploring. That is what I want. That is what I wanted from ESO, but did not get. Give me side quests that I want to 100% completion on, like Borderlands 1 and 2. Toy with my perfectionist side. If they can do this and introduce random loot that is plentiful, I will enjoy this game.