
Shtoing. Shtoing. Shtoing. DAMN IT! *sigh* Leaves server in search of another. Though rubber-band has made me a better pilot. Seriously, try to pilot a helicopter with that shit going on. Now, I fly like the stunt pilot in Terminator 2.

I'm not racist. I have plenty of white friends.

In my day, when someone was mad at your for dominating, they just took your quarter. I'll wait whilst you young'uns figure that out.

Steam will, ultimately, become like Google Play or Ouya, with the direction they are heading. Instead of buying AAA games that we will never play, on sale, we will now have access to shit games, on sale. WOO!!! *sarcasm* Anyway, this is why I have not purchased games on Steam, in over a year. I have a good collection

My wife said, "He's the one," when I first walked in the room with her, when we met for the first time. Still creeps me out a little, every time she tells that story, 16 years later.

What really shocked me most about this is that Dick Van Dyke performed that song. I never knew that.

I was not kidding about the bottle leaking. My office smells like Chester Cheetah's athletic cup.

I am going to rant, so I hope I don't offend. I hope to whatever gaming deity there is, they do not screw it up like Tomb Raider.

Brave: Zombie Edition. I would so play that game.

Love this.

I'm a little terrified by this. And I like it.

Oh my GOD!!! Taki is my favorite. This is just... wow.

You know what, this terrifies me a bit more. And I like the idea. It would actually make more sense. There were so many angles in the game leading me to believe that I was both Vaas and Jason, dealing with Fight Club personality. However, if they had taken the idea that Vaas was female, and really a dual personality

The biggest difference I can see is that the PC has better lighting, shading, and anisotropic filtering. However, most people will not have a new high end PC, but possibly one that will handle this game on medium or high settings; just not on maximum. I have a four-year old computer and was able to play the beta on

He's a good sport. However, I would have taken it further and superglued the pieces together as I rebuilt it. Then, years down the road... BOOM!!! "Hey, why can't I get this apart?" My pranks take time.

This guys stance is so much better than the Tebow. This just seems classier... with buttcracks. Yep.

I usually beta test, when I am in a slump. Then, when the beta is over, I seldom go back; unless it is a great game. Other than that, I revisit games that take a while; Morrowind, Deus Ex, Far Cry 2 and 3.

This is the kid you sat next to in class, while you were trying to pay attention and take notes, who kept on saying, "Hey... hey, check this out!"

With Princess Peach, on the darker side, I would like to see armor made from red and green turtle shells, along with different creature skins from the Mario legacy.

I hope they do something like the comic book from Mass Effect 2 and 3. I liked the ability to have the story told to me by Dark Horse, and select the choices I made that way.