
Yeah, most of these kids are dead. Look at the back story. This is the only one that is really depressing.

So, she grows up to be Penny on The Big Bang Theory. Cool.

I loved Dark Messiah. I was okay with Zeno Clash. I hated whatever they tried to do with the analog melee in Dead Island. I feel too many games are trying to reinvent the wheel with melee combat and first person scenarios. Honestly, with today's controls, I am more interesting in seeing games get away from that

I just completed this in about 30 minutes. WHY!? Why would you do that to me? I love how simple it is, yet it sticks with you.

How I Met Your Mother: Cthulhu Edition.

Metro Last Light was awesome. I can't wait to try out Remember Me and Outlast.

Yuuuuup. Now, where is Pam? Probably all coked up again.

These type of games will always have a special place in my heart. My teen years were spent on the SNES with side-scrolling beat-em-ups like Superman, Spiderman, Streets of Rage, etc. So, when I see these, no matter how horrible, I play them.

The fact that the guy used his brother's suicide and family alcoholism as an excuse, even though he says he didn't, is disgusting. I am 36 and a software developer. I've been a gamer for 30 years. My family has a history of alcoholism and bigotry. I have had multiple close relatives die from various causes, including

At this point, dropping below 30fps at all is shameful. I get fluctuation between 30-60. Hell, some of the higher end games do that on mid-high end PC systems, depending on the engine being used. Frankly, this is more about not delivering what is advertised. Honestly, while the systems are capable of 60fps, we all

See, now this is a game.

I totally read that MOAB; too much Archer.

Grand Theft Submersible: Atlantis. Make it happen.

The impact of Booker's relationship and decisions around Elizabeth, speaking as a father, is pretty touch to play through in the game. I would definitely like to see this game redone with a female Booker that gave birth to a male version of Elizabeth. That would take on a whole new point of view. I really would love

I'm scared.

So, Aveline discusses Connor and him being the reason she is there. So, maybe I am missing a part of how this passes the test you mentioned. Can you give a specific time when Connor is not mentioned? Even in the last conversation, she brings him up, which is the main focus of the plot for the DLC; a mission from

I played the other one with the Xbox controller on my PC. However, I would have liked to have played it properly with mouse and keyboard. The mouse does not function as it does in RE5. So, I hope they fixed that with this re-re-release.

I have had no issues to date with the saves disappearing. My son just went through Knack yesterday and I have been on AC4 without any disappearing files. I live in the US, so no noticeable problems, yet.

She looks like an fun individual with which to spend time.

Imagine a game like Titan Fall, but instead you drop/summon these animals in the middle of the fight to wreak havoc. Put it in Africa and let the hunt begin. I would play that. The elephant would be a tank, the cheetah built for speed attacks, the hyenas would swarm, and birds of prey would kamikaze or transport. Oh,