
Seriously, with Nintendo failing in the console arena, they need to just stick to making handheld devices, bring the WiiU controller to the PS4, XBox One, and PC, and just makes games for other systems. This, I feel, would greatly boost their stock and reputation. Unfortunately, I feel if they quit consoles and making

My children played through Knack and loved it. I always play through games before my kids are allowed to touch them. There are several games I have where my daughter cannot read as fast as the text on screen; RPGs. So, I slow it down and give her time to read it. When she crosses a word she does not know, I often stop

I have tested about 20 games. The most they do is pull the videos and remove your access to the alpha or beta testing. Then, he will not be able to participate in more testing programs with that company. I have seen this happen several times, especially with the name of the player being displayed. Regardless if it is

Just put his face on the American Hustle poster. That about sums it up.

Scared Stiff, he has Scared Stiff! That game is awesome.

Bride of Pinbot was my favorite machine, back in the day.

When I approach anyone at a booth, I want to know about the product. I will be asking questions. If booth babes know the product and can answer my questions, I am okay with them.

Dear Developers and Publishers,

Personally, I really enjoy Blacklight, DC Universe, Don't Starve, Contrast, Pinball Arcade, and Killzone Shadow Fall. Sure, several are available on PS3, but there are drastic framerate improvements on the PS4. I still play the PS3. In preparing for upcoming releases like Dragon Age Inquisition, I am playing through

There is a nice 60s vibe about this. I like that.

I would hope they stick to cannon, at least; not like that shameful Colonial Marines that broke everything.

I was hoping the would do this. I would like to see more games like the Zombie Master mod. Games where one player can control an army or one behemoth, against a small team, is fun. I just hope the balance is good. Other games do not do it correctly and often overpower the one.

If this ends up being anything like Amnesia or Penumbra, I am in. I grew up with the classic Alien and Aliens. I prefer the one Alien stalking the crew. It was intense, with no weapons. I love the idea of Ripley's daughter coming to look for her.

Man, I remember being in the closed and open beta-tests for Dungeon Fighter Online. It is hard to believe it has been that long ago and now it is dead.

Yeah, I got the Pinball Arcade Season One on PS4. At this moment, I am totally flashing back to my childhood in arcades. You see, kids, in my day, we went to the mall to play video games. Sure, there was Atari 2600, but Pac-Man just didn't look right. In that day, you were glad to have just $.25. That amount of money

Fear is what got this case started. Fear is what is changing the course of the United States. Look at what the NSA has done, television networks, airports, etc. In the end, fear is what will cost people their freedom. The timing of this child's comments were shortly after several massacres. So, officials and people,

I just ordered Unspeakable Words. I know it is not a board game, but anything with Cthulhu and insanity can't be bad.

*boom* My eyes! MY EYES! *swings blindly*

So, if he crashes, does it produce purple, blue, gold, and silver studs?

Go search for a song you like. e.g. Semi-Charmed Life. There are several that, now, have been monetized by the artist. However, there are several more from four to five years ago that have not... and are still up. Someone explain the logic in claiming copyright on a video game review, but not actual deliberate