
When I get looks like this from women, I immediately check my clothes for food stains or check if my fly is down.

Other logo options from Microsoft.

Anyone else thinks this looks like the head of a screw? Maybe it is subliminal, after all Microsoft has done.

Exactly. I have seen what they have done with features they turn on and off with PC. I can only imagine they are luring customers into a false sense of happiness and then slamming on the DRM once they have reached sales goals.

I pay for PS+ and have had 0 issues. My system updated at 4 am today. The version says 4.41. I turned the auto-update off for now. Amazing how control works when you know where to look for options.

I hope they allow a digital trade service. I like the idea of walking into a Gamestop to take back a terrible game. If these companies aren't careful, they are going to give critics the absolute power over gaming. They already have quite a bit. If they going solely digital, in the future, people are not going to risk

I owned ET when I was a kid. That's right, been gaming for 27 years.

I remember Revolution X. We used to play it in the Arcade all the time. It was popular when T2 came out.

Oculus Rift is the new Arrow in the Knee. "The first time I picked my nose, using the Oculus Rift, I could actually almost feel my finger in my nose."

And here I was looking at all the lush scenery and river in the mountains.

This is the side of tech I love. I remember when I played Oblivion and the leaves would rotate with the player. It actually reminded me of Doom, when I played as a teenager, and how the bodies would rotate on the ground. Then, as tech evolves, we see individual leaves, rather than rotations of the same patch. I always

There are rumors that the Shenmue HD collection has been finished for a while, but they are waiting to release 3 before they release the collection. Sucks. They could use that money as a boost. I loved that series. It was the whole reason I owned a Dreamcast, along with Grandia 2.

I was PC for a long time. When I saw this trailer, I broke down and bought a PS3. I played Uncharted and have all three. This game is emotionally deep, as with most exclusive content on PS3. Just for Naughty Dog, I will remain loyal to Playstation.

Not since Skyrim's Lydia have I told someone to "MOVE" so many times.

There just seems to be a finer detail on the textures. For example, Mario actually looks like he is wearing denim now. Overall, it seems that they are now adding more of a material look rather than a painted look.

Let me put another perspective on this. I have several friends who ask me how to get into beta-testing video games, as I currently test part-time. I always tell them to purchase early access, go to gaming company websites and sign up (i.e. Gearbox), or sign up for f2p betas. In this case, paying $90 is a good way to

I use a 360 controller with my PC. Since Microsoft puts out the controller, all you need to do is download the Microsoft compatibility software for the PC. Done. Also, they have several styles like this for the PS3. I have a couple.

You know they have Xbox style controllers for the PS consoles right?

They finally spread apart the analog sticks. YES!!! Now, I can stop the thumbs wars with myself, whilst playing FPS games.

I think the main difference is that Sony is not enforcing this policy for every game. It is smart in a way, to let publishers feel out the customer reaction and implement DRM on their games. X1 is just enforcing it for every game, whether the publisher wants to participate or not. I think we are going to see several