
I'm 36 years old. I've been a gamer for 27 years. I have own gaming consoles, dating all the way back to Atari 2600. It is clear that Sony is staying true to the lineage of consoles that made gaming what it is, rather than pandering to online and mobile trends. I want a "gaming" console and will forever want just

Still, a better reveal than Xbox One.

When watching the trailer, there is Big Boss on the bed getting CPR and the paddles. Then, the other guy in glasses asks, "What about him,' and looks at the camera as the doctors turn to look towards a first person perspective camera angle. My theory is that this is either a complete flash back of the first Metal Gear

Okay, if you are using crayons at work, it might be time to find another job, unless you are a teacher...or a monkey.

"Sticking with my universal cup, thank you very much," he says, sounding much like Michael Caine.

Jack Black is Hunk. That would be choice.

Scientists in Japan successfully clone the characteristics of Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, and Troll Dolls.

As a father of three and an abuse survivor, I can sort of relate. I was abused by my ex-step-father, father, ex-step-mother (also kidnapped my brother and me), and a babysitter. After suffering violent physical and emotional abuse, I was scared to death, when my wife told me she was pregnant. My worst fear was

Us PS4 fans already had our disappointment with several releases of the PS3 not being backwards compatible. My fear, for Halo fans, is Microsoft will drop server support a lot earlier than gamers want and focus on freeing up space for other featuresand games. I feel that the main issue here is that Microsoft is going

HEY! Come play our crap game, because your penis told you so!

How could anyone forget The Longest Journey? This game had some of the most beautiful pre-rendered landscapes.

The, "It's raining men," comment happened, for me, after a grenade turned three men into raining meat chunks. I couldn't stop laughing.

We used to do the same thing at college. However, we used the projector and went over the pictures in marker. You get pretty awesome effects that way.

So, I'll say it. She doesn't look bad at all now. She definitely is not as bad as the Hollywood celebs and really does look like a cute doll. Whoever she goes to obviously has some talent in not making her look like a cat or Joan Rivers. The only thing I can say I do not like are the contacts. A bit ridiculous, those.

I used to play Mister Mosquito. When I finished playing, I never had the urge to run around with a straw, poking people, and sucking their blood. It makes you wonder how any acts of violence, by people in the past, were ever committed without violent video games.

I play Civilization. So, I actually go out and colonize the world, whilst committing acts of genocide. Wait, didn't our ancestors do that? I wonder what violent video games they played. What violent video games caused Hitler to commit such terrible acts? I want to avoid those. And I hear there is a game called WMDs in

My problem here is that Couric spent a segment bashing games. Then, she tells people of opposing views to counter on Twitter's 140 character box. How is that appropriate? I am a gamer of 27 years; yes, the Atari 2600. I am a computer programmer, father of 3 wonderful and intelligent children, and have been married

Agreed. The Pirates DLC felt like they just wanted to bombard us with grinding. Most side missions in the main part of BL2 didn't really feel like that. However, in Oasis, everything felt like a chore. My favorite DLC was Torgue's, but that was mostly due to the conversations between Torgue, Moxxi, and Tiny Tina. The

Having the Luteces as a companion, that would change genders based on the environment, would be fantastic.

Must kill for extra lives!!!