
Wait a damn minute! There's multiplayer? [puts game in PS3] Huh! Well, what do you know. *sarcasm* Seriously, I have already beaten the game with 100% completion and never really cared about the multiplayer. The singleplayer is worth the money and I can't wait to see what they do with the next Tomb Raider.

Every time one of these new DLCs comes out for Mass Effect 3, a very British voice in my head says, "The Shepard is dead. Long live the Shepard." As far as this DLC, no. The part I loved about the continuity between the games was who lived and died. The background completely changes with this garbage.

To be fair, that guy didn't know how to play with the character he chose. He just spammed one move that leaves you open for a few seconds afterwards. He probably should have chosen Maxi if he was going to button mash. I will say, my youngest son can do the same thing with Natsu. He has about 7 distinct moves and

My only question is, will Sony make allowances for those that already own games, if they decide to stream PS3 games. For example, if I own a copy of Borderlands 2, can I get cloud access to that game without having to purchase it again? Would I take that game to Gamestop and get a digital certificate to play through

It basically allows you to play games while streaming from a server rather than having to have it installed on your local machine. It also is used for storage as well. Onlive is a perfect example. However, you better have a fast internet connection. I had 30 megs one time and was able to do so. Now, I have 3 megs,

Aliens: Colonial Marines - Because it reminded me of the early FPS games like Doom (health and armor pick ups), I love Aliens, and Gearbox (to support local Texas economy). Yep, I bought the special edition. I love it. I'm the only one that does I guess. I have my reasons.

If you look at several interviews with family and friends, the mom would leave Adam at home alone for extended periods of time. At a young age, he was classified as needing individual and special attention by the schools and at home. His mother would intervene anytime someone tried to talk or touch him. Meaning, she

Okay. Let me explain these aliens since so few seem to understand what is going on. These aliens were in the sewer close to the blast zone of the plant that was destroyed at the end of Aliens. Their skin became thin, allowing their irradiated blood to glow. They are completely blind from the blast. In the sewer, you

Here are some ideas to counter the current anti-used game console(s). First, allow users to deauthorize a machine, much like EA did with Medal of Honor for PC. This way, it can be used on another machine. Second, when selling the game back to the store, have the store purchase a new license for the game, invalidating

I had the Dreamcast when it was first released and purchased every game and every controller/device/steering-wheel/keyboard that came with it. My favorite games were Typing of the Dead, Shenmue, Project Justice, The Carrier, and Grandia II. However, when the PS2 came out and Sega announced it was dropping support and

I remember when Batman Begins came out. Everyone around me was complaining about it. It wasn't the classic comic book hilarity, blah blah blah. Soon after, The Dark Knight came out and everyone hated Heath Ledger's Joker compared to Jack Nicholson's. The same with the rest of the trilogy. I found, though, I connected

remember one Christmas, I opened up a Tiger Heli NES game. Thing is, I didn't have a Nintendo. So, I sat there and watched as my parents tried to play it off with comments like, "Wait, we don't have a Nintendo, do we?" However, my first Christmas memory with games was with the Atari 2600. The day after Christmas, my

It didn't sound as if he was linking "violent" video games, but Facebook, reality TV, and computer games in general. He is stating that it has created a virtual society that has detached us from empathizing with one another.

I sure hope you are joking. I mean really, I do. You can see below the RDR list several that say Rockstar Icons 1, 2, 3, etc. I just...I just don't know anymore, if you all are trolling. Even with yesterday's Trigger Discipline article, I was really beginning to wonder if it was a slow week.

I own a PC and PS3. Do you know what I bought at midnight and I am playing today and for the next few months, instead of DLC for Skyrim? Far Cry 3 and Mass Effect Trilogy (yes, they released the Mass Effect complete set at midnight). So, yeah. No hard feelings.

Slow day? This is like a topic you would see on Fox News. Video game trigger discipline and realism...seriously? Of any topic about the box art that could have been discussed with Bioshock Infinite, this was the topic. How about the merging and future of Cosplay, Developers, and Advertising? Some have already

Deus Ex is broad enough across the three games (not counting Project Snowblind which was supposed to be in the series, but definitely the same universe), that no matter how much they deviate from the storyline, as long as they are true to the technology and conspiracy theories, it will be a great movie. However, let

I love this. I am 35. I have been a gamer since Atari 2600 and K-Mart bins of cartridges for $5 a piece. Now, a father of three, I have a collection of over 400 games. Even though I work home as a software developer, take care of my family, and have two degrees in computer science, I am often looked at as childish.

I have Skyrim on PC as well as PS3. I will say this. As a game, without the DLC, it is well worth the $60. Had I purchased a season pass, like with Borderlands 2, and did not receive the DLC, then I would be upset and ask for a refund for the season pass. However, to say that Skyrim is a horrible game based on the

I have played through the campaign. And I have played the multiplayer. The only flaw with this game that I had an issue with was the weapon accuracy. I would empty clips at soldiers 30 feet away and still pull a GI Joe (for those that get the reference). I loved the game as if felt more like an interactive movie. In