
A lot of the leaders of evangelicalism had to be dragged kicking and screaming into accepting Catholics as Christians when Reagan set up his “moral majority” (including Bob Jones, of Reagan’s segregated darling Bob Jones University, who was a great friend of anti-Catholic terrorist Ian Paisley and gave him an honorary

Mel and Dad belong to a schismatic faction of the Catholic Church who were excommunicated for refusing to accept Vatican II (nominally, over the latin mass; actually, because the Church stopped teaching that Jews are all individually responsible for Christ’s death).

Hell, their guy wouldn’t stay in the room with their trash princess, Sarah Palin.

Perhaps the story should be updated to more accurately represent the story it’s linked to.

I’m not really warming to season two as much as I’d hoped, but season one was a hoot. I miss Nadiya, and the many, many ways the cartoonish judges found to say “The food must taste good and be cooked properly.

He's saying that the Democrats boycotting a Fox debate exactly the way he did in 2016 (for a fake wounded warrior event he fake-donated to) would be Bad.

Lara Bazelon is the tame SJW publications from The Intercept to Politico which exist to defeat Democrats trot out to agree with their positions FROM THE LEFT! The viral outrage before this one was about how Betsy DeVos is right about women on campus having too much support from colleges if they’re raped.

He was a Bill O’Reilly discovery.

Watch Juan Likes Rice & Chicken. If that works for you, you'll probably like most of the series.

I can see an argument for that. But Shadow being emotionally dead is a huge trigger for this story, so I’m not sure how changing his affect would affect the endgame.

2E or 3D.

I guess only certain children get his attention.

Her strength is as the strength of ten because her heart is pure. Not everyone has that going for them.

Well, damn.

But factor in a toddler who can kill you with their pinky and I’m not sure how the two are different. 

fwiw, Shadow’s passivity is a fairly major plot point in the book.

They could be building the case for bringing back the Voting Rights Act protections that Roberts threw away, because his basis was that racial voter suppression was over.

but as long as his grifty enabler Joe is involved, the lawsuits will go on.

Yeah, setting limits on his awesome by teaching him not to kill people by accident sounds like some pretty serious cruel emotional repression to me.