
A new billboard in Times Square blames her for Amazon’s decision not to build a new headquarters in New York City.

This. I had a friend in college with celiac, and he had to go macrobiotic. My brother-in-law has it now, and he has his choice of bread and pizza and a fair-sized chunk of the pasta aisle.

I’m going to guess that when the conversation about bringing home the food took place, a 3AM homecoming was not in play.

How does it make any sense to tell her to let it go and not correct the guy because that will be his trigger for persisting and then bring in management because the guy is persisting in something she never asked him not to do?

Trump seemed to encourage police to be more violent in handling potential offenders during a speech to law enforcement officers in July 2017.

You know, for whatever reason, this is apparently personal for you, so let’s just agree that the customer was an asshole and the bartender did the right thing and let it go at that.

More oblique, really.

and that opinion was bad.

but if she was supposed to let it go and not tell him to stop, then she has nothing to take to the authority figure. He didn’t stop doing something she didn’t in any way indicate that she objected to. 

Yeah, but, again, no. This is a woman and a bartender, which means that (unlike Salty, whose examples of her own forbearance cite choosing not to react to bad taste or opinions in conversations she’s not necessarily part of) she has to deal with men who are there to drink and disinhibit themselves and she can’t walk

Wow. No, it really isn’t. The Streisand Effect isn’t “person does thing which has unintended consequences which displease them.”

That it started with the words “what about” does not make it an example of whataboutism).

Remember Ashley Todd, the McCain campaign worker who said a random black man attacked her (but, sadly for her story, wasn’t super clear how mirrors work and carved “B” for “Barack” on her own face backwards). 

Yeah, but, no, because the argument was to let it go, which is essentially saying that she has no business attempting to be treated acceptably at work. If he was going to be an asshole no matter what, why should she let it go on without saying anything?

If you want to see more of Sean Brock, he’s in half a season of Mind of a Chef too.

I’m more interested in Donald Trump and his unofficial spokesman Alan Dershowitz right now.

I’m pretty sure that’s the approved hipster position on the matter.

Cool plot twist when it turns out his wife is only the sister of one of his children because the other one is really Frank Sinatra’s kid.

TWIST! Mr A ends up leaving Mrs B to marry the little girl (once she becomes an adult, of course, otherwise EW!)

Maybe one of his buddies at Mar a Lago (where he and his wife have been members for years) lent a hand.