
I’m sure that wasn’t her intent but it really is. She’s assigning agency in this situation where it really doesn’t belong. If the bartender hadn’t done the perfectly correct thing she did, asshole still would have called her baby throughout the meal. The onus was not on her.

So, a paste of baking soda and lemon juice?

But that’s the whole point of the dystopian hellscape stupid Republican voters have been allowing us to move towards. We’ve made the system so horrible that they can’t bear to let their children get caught up in it, so now there’s no downside to being a sociopath.

and it wouldn’t be OK if you were a servant or a babysitter.

I’m not advocating for letting customers call you names, but it was probably the fact that you corrected him that made him jump all over you.

So you’d rather have a kitchen full of pricey stuff to do individual things just so rather than a single machine that does them just fine (and grinds meat, and stuffs sausages, and mills grain) which you know for a fact lasts fifty years?

Here, although since Fox’s idea of a media watchdog is Howie “we all knew Newt was a big whore with a mistress on the payroll, but it wasn’t relevant to the impeachment” Kurtz, they don’t care.

This. The FDR-style government he fetishizes was all about redistributing the taxes of women and POC to white men.

In fairness, Intelligencer posted way more insane edgy takes before the election in 2016, and pivoted to white man worship immediately afterwards.

Crazy Bernie has just entered the race. I wish him well!

My guess is because his mom controls a bunch of consumer product advertising.

de gustibus.

Fish. Eggs. Liver. Kale. Brussel sprouts.

Well, his mom is a billionaire. It’s a sensitive issue.

Fun highly moral conservative Tucker Carlson fact: He married the headmaster’s daughter from his expensive boarding school (mom is frozen food money). His father-in-law, it turns out, retaliated against children who reported his staff and students sexually abusing them, and helped some of the abusers find new jobs.

You’re awesome. I have two bulbs in the fridge and I haven’t been able to come up with anything for them.

Jezebel is working pretty hard to trigger the liberals from the other end of the horse shoe. Different audience.

Just get Alamo to schedule a viewing party for women. The bros will fly a thousand miles to try to get in.

Nah. Awesome fusion is awesome.