
Maybe? But then, the servers and the venue are also liable for overserving a clearly already inebriated customer.

Columbus became a thing around the turn of the last century when Italians were the hot new immigrants to demonize, because he was a big old ‘murkin hero the kids heard about at school and the first italian immigrant (that’s why Mother Cabrini called the hospital she opened that would take italian patients Columbus

So, the racist kid represented by the PR firm tied to congressional Republicans is suing the Washington Post for more than his state costs?

My sampling isn’t really representative, because I’m a New Yorker, and extreme people seem to come here a lot :)

Now playing

Neil Patrick Harris, who offered the most energetic hosting opening number in the history of the Tonys in 2013

You know, I thought about this, and if what this woman wanted was the company and support of a diverse group, she could have started a meet up for parents of mixed-race kids.

Or you could combine the three. The smoked salmon eggs benedict at the Oyster Bar is aces.

Food science nerdery is the best nerdery of all.

Respectfully disagree: bread in general is not the best vehicle for smoked salmon. Latkes are. And tzatziki or crème fraiche instead of cream cheese.

perhaps Brown forgot about the exclusively white bastions of the Daughters of the American Revolution

He was the superannuated adolescent asshole stuck in the past in Beautiful Girls. For context, Natalie Portman was a hot fourteen year old in that movie.

KTU was kind of huge back in the day.

Just a brief reminder that when the current POTUS’ self-named eldest was an underaged college student, he was regularly wetting himself and picking dicksize fights while drunk off his ass.

I’m pretty sure whoever thought of that got a nice raise.

I’m not a vegan, but I have go-to vegan recipes for when I entertain one, and we buy well made plant-based proteins for the same reason we buy bison burger - because it’s easy, and so the hypertensive with cholesterol issues I cook for can stay on his diet without feeling ripped off.

Oh, interesting.

When I was growing up (in New York), there was an urban legend that brown eggs were more nutritious. I’ve never found anything that said it was true.

OK, this is ova.

Nope. Aubergine was Ramsay’s place.

There are a lot more omnivores than vegans.