
Point. Have a star.

But pesto freezes so beautifully.

I thought Jabba was pretty much a done deal years ago.

Nah. Rudy likes grown women.

Hey, if we crucify the man enough times, maybe he’ll stay down.

But he’s also a longtime close personal friend of both Mike Bloomberg and Rudy Giuliani who ran to bleed off votes from Democrats in 2016.

Oh, me either. Her thought process here seems to be that since Jesus was put to death by a broken system for the political purposes of the colonizers and the corrupt religious establishment, the broken system for the political purposes of the colonizers and the corrupt religious establishment is a good thing.

but specifically he’s a white man who’s on the wingnut welfare train at the American Enterprise Institute, so the color he has a very specific interest is most likely green, and more specifically Koch brothers green.

Pretty sure he was the Governor of Massachusetts, but it might translate.

He used to be a pretty decent guy, for a Republican. Then he let himself be a hood ornament on that moron Gary Johnson’s ratf*cking Libertarian campaign in 2016. And now, he’s suing to screw with the electoral college in a way that would hurt Democrats far more than Republicans.

Go figure.

I think it’s kind of telling that his copy editor hated him enough to let him go to press with “petty bourgeois” (it’s petit).

So her argument is literally that the prisoners on death row are dying for our sins?

I think that’s cringier, tbh.

Celeste Holm’s character was robbed. He should have dumped Dorothy McGuire’s character like a hot rock.

When did she have the watermelons installed? She was not built like that when she was married to Gavin Newsome.

Well, they both have a bit of a personal history with disgusting rich men.

Funny thing: her expensive white flight upstate town is the same one Trump’s place is in.

Sure she does. It’s exactly the argument she made when she campaigned for Nader in swing states up to the day of the election to keep the race close enough for George W Bush to steal.

He knows, he HAS to know this is going to get a shit ton of lawsuits. Did no one tell him?