I never really thought about how horribly frustrated the thugs at the northern border must be that they can’t randomly profile most of the people they run into by sight.
I never really thought about how horribly frustrated the thugs at the northern border must be that they can’t randomly profile most of the people they run into by sight.
I’ve never had one.
Wow. Thanks for that.
I guess you’re not a believer in the salt makes the skins tough theory?
He’s pretty impressive. He was a surprise dark horse candidate for DNC Chair, and pretty much everything I could find out about him was a positive.
There is no better way to improve body confidence than by improving your health and figure.
I wish all of you peace.
OK, but you can see how “He voluntarily visited a Chuck E Cheese as an unaccompanied adult because he has a YouTube channel about conspiracies” isn’t all that reassuring.
Jon Chait and Bill Maher will be by shortly to explain to you why nothing Republicans are doing is as dangerous as your dangerous SJW speech in blog comments.
and the number of people who pretend their entirely sincere shitty behavior was really satire when they get busted isn’t helping.
We have been publishing the occasional piece that does anger people as some topics seem too toxic to discuss rationally
I think it was the gross excessive monster cake that wasn’t edible because of the structural bracing, and they gave out individual cakes instead.
OK, guess I got here too late to be the first to drop a David Foster Wallace reference.
I bet he’d do it just for that. He spent a ton of money trying to eminent domain an old lady’s house for limousine parking in Atlantic City, and she very publicly kicked his ass.
Well, yeah, it’s classically Madagascar vanilla beans, but given how expensive and rare that is and since any vanilla is hidden in the “natural flavors” on the label, I wouldn't be surprised if they used the dodge of making the extract with bourbon.
I call shenanigans on someone who blogs at “MyFrugalAdventures.com” who can’t think of anything you might be able to do frugally with super-cheap fresh produce before it goes bad.
Not smoked salmon?
I totally feel the pain on the pesto jar, but pesto freezes really well, so that’s not really a problem.
They should have an unlimited pass for school hours on week days. Making it a limited number makes no sense.