
This is one of a series of salacious and deeply bad takes promoting a story coming straight out of the Trump operation.

It’s cute how you keep carrying Roger Stone’s water for him by promoting this story.

You do realize that what you’re doing here is insistently virtue signaling?

World Central Kitchen, perhaps. José Andres has abjectly humiliated Trump at every turn by being conspicuously decent. I just hope he gets that Nobel. 

The incident in that first link was debunked almost immediately, but not before the woman who invented it changed her story four times.

Yeah. You go on and do your passive-aggressive bullshit tour of pretending you aren’t shaming people for not buying into your fantasies about giving birth and breastfeeding

I think it’s probably not a good choice to judge women based on that decision.

So, I’m thinking this may be a small problem for Trump’s solve racism in Virginia by bringing back the Confederacy plan.

Unless that baguette is at Subway, #3 all the way.

But he’s a delusional old man, at this point, who nobody says no to, and I’m pretty sure he’s getting some behind-the-scenes encouragement here.

Nobody said their vote was based on her opinion. A few people said they were interested in what she was thinking.

Well, he is a long-time member of Mar a Lago suing Jeff Bezos. He’s probably not paying his own legal bills.

I’m pretty interested in what young parents and millennial african-american women are thinking politically, since I’m neither of those things.

and, too, extending the vote for women? There was nothing to extend.

CNN pivoted to talking about the Pelosi / AOC feud before noon. I feel as if we could have coasted on our laurels and let them talk about how badly Trump failed at least until the afternoon news cycle.

Seriously, thank you for that. We try to can tomatoes during the summer, but they never last, and I didn’t know why this was happening.

AOC was offered a seat on the green energy climate panel. She turned it down. She had other priorities.

I’ll be impressed if she decides what she wants to do.

Only that’s not what they were offered. They were offered those as goals, and asked to sign on to whatever AOC comes up with to address them.