
That’s very true. But the Democrats just had a really good night, all about the women, and shot Trump down on the investigations, and then one woman Godzilla-stomped the news cycle to announce that she has a blank check she’d like everyone to sign.

That’s awesome.

I’m wondering if maybe the child she saw was noticeably lighter than the adult. 

Mike Bloomberg ran for his last term on doing something like that in NYC, and only for commercial buildings of over a certain size. Within days after the election, he announced that it was unfeasible and dropped it.

The Republicans never did this to President Obama

I wonder what’s going to happen when she has grandchildren?

Nope. She introduced goals.

and generally, pickle relish has onions too.

Really? Because back when that nativist guy who ran the steak sandwich place was making noise in 2004, he kept insisting that wit wiz was the only acceptable choice.

I know, it’s a tender subject.

I found a ranch in the midwest that makes veal chorizo, so I get a few pounds shipped every couple of months. But I would like to try to make it, one of these days, just for a low-salt version. I’ll check that out...

Not cream of mushroom?

This from a man who owes his election at least partly to Jason Chaffetz.

You could sprinkle some porcini powder on top, at the beginning before you cook out the water.

Just get out of the way before the hard shelling starts.

They knew she’d fight. That’s why they wanted to get rid of her. Because being in the minority party with a power vacuum at the top is a very lucrative business.

Katrina, who herself is mixed race, was unhappy about ‘mongrel’ Obama because she likes “pure breeds.”

Except for people with low-six-figure incomes in low-tax states with cheap real estate, because the standard deduction they were already using just doubled, and most of the rest is being taxed at the same rate as the cashier at their local Walmart.

It would be if onions weren’t an ingredient of both special sauce and ketchup.

Generally I don’t second-guess other people’s food sensitivities, but I call shenanigans. There is zero chance the special sauce doesn’t have at least one and probably two forms of onion in it, and ketchup definitely does.