(something something spread your legumes)
(something something spread your legumes)
Yeah, but she also might want a career, and there were a lot of decades of lean times for the Naderites after round one. She can do better for herself.
Not as much as the alt left does.
Do you really even need to respond to anyone who cites Paste, Jacobin, or The Intercept?
He may have championed her in the general, but he sat out the battle of the Staceys until right before the primary when it was pretty much already over.
In fairness, Bernie had nothing at all to do with that boy once the egg was pierced.
Symone Sanders tried to tell all those people that after the primaries. They didn’t listen.
She did a good job registering voters and getting out the vote in a very small, very blue, district where nobody votes, with the active assistance of a flood of her fellow Bernie revenants in the NYC area. More power to her, but that’s not a particularly sustainable model for national organizing.
It’s less the technique than the garlic crusher, I think. The one I finally found has a rectangular screen with large holes, cast solid so the screen won’t pop off if I crush whole cloves, and the debris usually comes out in one piece if I dislodge it from the inside with a fork.
If it’s chocolate cake mix, try substituting a cup of coffee for the cup of water. It helps with both the too sweet and the one note.
Well, he’s become very rich in a third-world country carrying water for a man who has an exclusive contract to do business in the Russian market with eBay.
Almost certainly Buddy Roemer’s (and most likely Mike Bloomberg’s) overpriced and underperforming brocialists-for-hire at TYT.
OK, so, what’s interesting about that? Is that the celebros (including the egregious Ms Sarandon) were under-the-radar campaigning for AOC in the Bronx, and then she got into office and... quietly established institutional influence and started to work within the system.
No, and Jezebel will write more about him than they do about Stacey Abrams (who Splinter will slag for no particular reason).
AOC wears earrings and lipstick: front-page article about the transcendance of her personal style as a political statement.
My mom was second-generation italian and her parents ran a restaurant. She adored Velveeta growing up, because it was what americans ate.
There’s a european version which is in a casing and a mexican version which is loose meat.
It’s hard work finding mexican chorizo where I am. Everyone has eight different kinds of the spanish variety in casings, but the loose meat version, not so much. I get mine by mail order.
Unless doing domestic or maintenance labor (of the kind which, like marriage, her father reserves for the undocumented) is somehow lacking in dignity, this is not degrading.