
Stannis could legitimize Jon…?


or the gods are all slow children who got dropped on their heads as babies?

Let's not forget she's a teenager. I love all these Westerosi teens - Robb, Joff, Dany, Rams, Sansa (like a 90210 gang) - and they are all impulsive and idealistic in their owns ways. Pragmatism comes with age, right, and I also love Tywin and Gramma Tyrell weilding their pragmatism and sharp tongues all over King's

The first thread that started all this was venemous towards Shae. "whore, fucking bitch," pitchforks n' shit…So it looks like we've just about come full circle. You make a good point.

Because we have to fill our days and ways until the next episode comes out! We have to fill it with GoT!

It is he truth mixed in with the lies that make the lies believable. And thank you for bringing this up again: BRONN! Either Shae was taken off the boat after Bronn believed her safely on-board, or Bronn double-crossed Tyrion. I love the way every character and relationship on this show is an onion waiting to be


It's got to be Bronn vs Jamie. Cersei will get to pick first, and she'll pick Jamie, who will protest. Tyrion, who would have picked Jamie, will pick Bronn…the sparring will turn real and Jamie will have to learn to set his honor aside and cheat the way Bronn told him to…wait, what if both sides pick Jamie…who gets

Plus, wtf with all the scratches, Ramsay? I didn't notice them on him when they were sexing. His story is just so…(sigh)

true. they did have that lovely moment together right before the purple wedding. she finished the discussion with a rather cynical "let's go celebrate young love" wink, wink.

You're entering a world of pain, either way

Does that kid remind anyone else of a little-boy version pf Keith Moon?